Irony, Satire and Stereotypes
Learning Intentions

·       An understanding of what satire, irony and stereotypes are.

·       An enhanced ability to persuade using sophisticated tools such as satire, irony and stereotypes.

·       An enhanced ability to argue and support arguments with evidence.

·       An enhanced appreciation of both an issue impacting society and an unfamiliar style of writing.

Task List

1. Go through the satire sheet and explain the issues being exposed in the political cartoons. Also look at the stereotype examples and write what is being stereotyped next to each example. 

2. After going through the irony PowerPoint as a class, do the 'Identifying Irony' sheets.

3. After watching Shrek, do the following: write a paragraph (around 300 words) on why Shrek is a satire - what exactly is being satirised and give lots of examples to illustrate what you mean. Give specific details explaining how particular fairy tales have been satirised. 

4. Looking at 2 sides of an issue - answer the questions on Australia day/Invasion day. Write down as much as you can from the information provided about each of the two sides. 

5. Choose your own issue to study - check with Aunty Elisa to make sure your issue is 'approved'. Write down as much as you know about each side - do research to help you. Then choose the side you want to do for your newspaper article. Use the 'Critical Thinking Questions' to help you. Email your information to Aunty Elisa for approval before beginning your assignment. 

Check out some of the examples to help you know what kinds of things to write down. The one called 'Trump and Covid' has some ideas on how to organise your information so you can write a persuasive newspaper article on the topic (although their against information is done incorrectly. To write the against side, you should pretend you are one of the 'stupid people' and say what those who agree with the 'wrong' side would say.).

6. Begin following the instructions on the assignment sheet. You can find this at the end of the 'Satire, Irony and Stereotypes' document. Check out the document titled 'Sorry, but we all share the guilt' as a good example of a persuasive newspaper article before you write your own.