Stage 2 Biology
Stage 2 Biology
EOY Revision & Exam Preparation
How Am I Assessed?
Practicals and Deconstruct & Design
Precision, Accuracy, Reliability and Validity
01 - DNA and Proteins
1.1 - DNA Structure
1.2 - Structure and Function of Proteins
1.3 - Enzymes
1.4 - Gene Expression and Mutation
1.5 - DNA Profiling
1.6 - Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology
02 - Cells as the Basis of Life
2.1 - Cell Structure
2.2 - Cellular Respiration
2.3 - Transport Across Membranes
2.4 - Cell Division
2.5 - The Cell Cycle
2.6 - Cell Culture
03 - Homeostasis
3(a) - Homeostasis & Tolerance
3(b) - Nervous & Endocrine Systems
3(c) - Negative Feedback | Thermo & Chemo Regulation
3(d) - Osmoregulation & Blood Pressure
3(e) - Glucoregulation & Adrenaline
04 - Evolution [theory of]
4.1 - Evolution of Life
4.2 - Reproductive Isolation Mechanisms
4.3 - Evolution and Natural Selection
4.4 - Speciation
4.5 - Human Impact on Biodiversity
06 - SHE (Science as a Human Endeavour)
02 - Cells as the Basis of Life
Curriculum Learning Intentions for Cells Unit
02 Cells as the Basis of Life - Learning Intentions.pdf
Formative Tests & Answers
FORMATIVE Test (Cells 2.1 - 2.5).docx
FORMATIVE Test ANSWERS (Cells 2.1 - 2.5).docx
FORMATIVE Test (Cells 2.1 - 2.6).pdf
FORMATIVE Test ANSWERS (Cells 2.1 - 2.6).docx
Year 11 Formative Tests
Cells Unit Test with ANSWERS.pdf
Membrane & Transport Formative Test with ANSWERS.pdf
Glossary for the Unit
Cells Unit Glossary.docx