Assessment 1 - The Changing Job Market
Changing Job Market Intro Video
Diagram of Changing Job Market Drivers and Skills

Formative Work

Edupreneurial Skill:

Focusing on and envisaging the future

Formative Tasks: Use sources 1, 2 and 3 to explore the following concepts:

• How have labour markets changed in recent years?

• What do these trends in ways of working mean for future job opportunities?

Source 1: https:/

Source 2:

Source 3: https:/100jobsofthefuture.comreportjobs (down side - 'what the literature says about the future of work' (first section mainly up to and including ‘automation, computerisation, new technologies’), At top - Find your 'job of the future' - quiz)

Use sources 4 and 5 and your own research to decide: 

What is the impact of globalisation on the labour market?

What impact have environmental pressures put on the labour market?

What are the impacts of technological advances on the labour market?

What impact is the aging population having on the labour market?

Source 4: Globalisation and Employment

Recruitment Practises

Recruitment before globalisation was largely generalised and had a haphazard approach. However, globalisation has streamlined the process of recruitment and training.

• Better technology, shared across the world, allows organisations to modernise and standardise their hiring and recruitment. Potential employees are recruited using artificial intelligence and software instead of actual people, or with minimal supervision from recruiting personnel. This allows less subjectivity and human errors.

• Cultural globalisation has brought about more tolerance and acceptance of other cultures and people. Large multinational corporations cannot get away with predominantly hiring from a particular section of society. Equality and diversity have become an integral part of hiring and recruitment.

• Training and development is a highly specialised field in the employment and human resources sector. The exchange of information brought about by better communication channels and technology allows employers to provide their employees with up-to-date training and the best skills to deliver better.

Workplace Identity and Management

Globalisation has led to immense competition among companies. In order to succeed, the workplace identity of an individual is emphasised and utilised, because a healthy, happy individual is likely to be more productive. In order to achieve this, the management function within companies and organisations has seen a major overhaul.

Personnel at higher levels are conscious of their role in the personality development of employees and workers. Workplace discrimination is being taken more seriously and employees are not being taken for granted. A lot of employers in developing countries have now realised that, without the development of human resources, they are unlikely to compete with counterparts in developed nations (Chishti, 2002).

Labour Legislation

Globalisation and the increasing movement of capital and labour across international borders have created a situation where labour laws are more international. Along with regional economic agreements and regional integration schemes, the Conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) have now become equally important as national labour laws.

Processes of globalisation have paved the way for the shifting of focus from purely economic considerations to laying the groundwork for inclusive, democratic, and developmental transnational labour laws and regional labour standards. In addition to this, it has also put pressure on nations to revisit their immigration laws, especially in light of the manifold increase of migrant workers, who continue to be excluded from any sort of protection as workers.

Source 5: https:/www.aacsb.eduinsightsarticles202307thriving-in-the-ever-changing-job-market

Collaboration and Teamwork Skills