Hi guys. Here is the fun stuff for Week 1, Term 1
History is a BIG subject, so lots of work (sorry).
I suggest you create separate documents for your Timeline work, your Israel and Other OT Civilizations work and your Sources work.
Timelines (Home Learning tasks for this week - NOT classwork):
First look at the OT timelines on the Timeline page. Explore in some detail, looking at when various events occurred and matching up (on the Long one) what other nations around Israel impacted them and when. Dates will vary a little as the further back we go, the harder it is to be precise, generally.
Now go to the OT Civilizations Impacting Israel page. Open the PowerPoint. I would like you to memorise the timeline events with at least approximate dates. Try these 3 methods: memorise one by one; try to recreate timeline without looking at dates; teach your mum about the dates of OT events.
Israel (class work):
Also on the PowerPoint but next section is geographical info about Israel. This is the first classwork task. You know a lot about events that happened in Israel but probably not a lot about where they happened. Study the slides in detail. Try to remember where the hills and plains are; match the photos to the map and memorise where the land is green and where it is desert. There is a question on the last slide to answer, which will test you. We will discuss it in class.
Sources (classwork):
This is our second classwork task. Go to the Interpreting Sources page. First review in 2 separate T-charts: pluses and minuses of both Primary and Secondary sources.
Go to the Interpreting Sources and Dating Methods block. Open the first link Interpreting Sources - Start a T-chart showing the potential problems with sources (this will be the - side of the T-chart. You can start filling in the + side (usefulness of sources) with the next source on Bodies as Sources).
Next open the Bodies as Sources document. Build on your T-chart showing: how a body can be used as a source and what potential problems there might be in using a body as a source.
Finally go the the Interpreting Sources and Dating Methods - Possible Home Learning and Extension Tasks block. The first link is game about using source - have a play around. Then go to the 2nd link and explore another example of using bones as sources in Jamestown, America. For both add to your T-chart about positives and negatives for sources and how they can be used.
Home Learning task for this week: Watch: Time Team 2021 Dig 2 Day 1 AND Time Team 2021 Dig 2 Day 2 AND Time Team 2021 Dig 2 Day 3 - write down as you watch, your findings about archaeology and how it works: what methods of working can you see?; what technologies are used?; how do they work out what is going on?; what can they work out? Add this to your big T chart.
Week 2 Classwork:
Test on timeline - draw it without looking
Getting information from sources:
https:/www.youtube.comwatch?v=fLWaUl0rN6Q; https:/www.youtube.comwatch?v=Wl9tM11NfKE
Often the Bible is questioned because evidence has not been found but when it is found it always supports the Bible record:
http:/www1.cbn.comcbnnewsinsideisrael2015DecemberWhat-Ancient-Seal-Reveals-About-Jerusalems-History - Hezekiah existed.
https:/www.youtube.comwatch?v=v1rDvzbtnYc – David existed
For the 4 sources above add to your T-chart any other facts you have thought of about how sources (and what can be a source) can be used or any problems with sources.
On the Interpreting Sources page, Interpreting Sources and Dating Methods block - click on Comparison OT and Historians; https:/www.smithsonianmag.comsmart-newspeople-ate-pork-middle-east-until-1000-bcwhat-changed-180954614. For both of these sources think about biases. What biases can you see? Add to your T-chart on the problems with sources.
Dating Methods:
On the Interpreting Sources page, Interpreting Sources and Dating Methods block - click on Dating Methods. Also in the Interpreting Sources and Dating Methods - Possible Home Learning Tasks block - click on the link under 4.
For the sources above, for each dating method create a T chart of + and - for that method.
On the Interpreting Sources page, Interpreting Sources and Dating Methods block - click on Uniformity and Radioactive Dating; also read Amber and Soft Tissue (just first block and the crocodile mainly, but the others are interesting too). Add to your original T-chart (the big mumma one) about the problems with dating methods.
Amber, Soft Tissue and the next one, Piltdown Man (please read), show the willfulness of those who don't want to believe in God. This kind of blatant deception can still happen, witness people like Richard Dawkins, who are so desperate to dismiss God they will do or say anything. If 'science' doesn't agree with the Bible, then there is something wrong with the science, so don't be led away.
A final issue with sources: https:/www.salon.com20020511sumerian - what is the issue?
So in summary, from your study of sources: What does what you know about sources and their issues tell you about how we should approach and use sources?