Israeli Culture of OT
Israel in the OT PPt
Exploring Israeli Culture via the Bible and Web
- family life
- men - Gen 18:19
- women – Prov 31
- and the construction of gender roles (Use https://www.openbible.infotopicsthe-role-of-the-woman and https://www.openbible.infotopicsthe-role-of-the-man to determine the roles of men and women in OT Israel.
- children – Ez 16:4; Prov 1:8, 31:1, Lk 7:32
- education - http://bibleresources.americanbible.orgresourceeducation-in-ancient-israel
- rites of passage ( – circumcision (Gen 17), marriage (SofS 3:9-11; Jud 14:10-11 -, Bar Mitzvah (NT only - https://en.wikipedia.orgwikiBar_and_Bat_Mitzvah), death Jer 22:19; Gen 23:8-9; Jn 19:39-40)
- purposes of marriage and divorce (Gen 2:18-25; Mal 2:15; Deut 24:1-4; Mt 19:4-9).
- daily life
- rich and poor – Amos 2:4-7; 3:15; 4:1; 4:6; 4:9; 5:10-12; 5:26; 6:4-7
- food - Gen 25:27-34; II King 4;:38-42; I Sam 2:13-15
- clothing - Isa 3:16-24
- housing and furniture - 2 King 4:8-10
Further Web sources and Note Headings
- Students to use following websites to fill out notes on ancient Israel:; http:/;;; http:/www.womenintheancientworld.comdaily_life_in_israel_at_the_time_of_christ.htm
- Occupations and professions: army levies/mercenaries – and skills of tribes; merchants; agriculture; technology; trade; art and architecture https:/ (City from David’s time); writing and literature
- Slavery: origins of slavery and the treatment of slaves, the status of slaves, the relationships of slaves with slaveowners
- Influence and significance of beliefs and rituals: attraction of idolatry – comment on some examples – highplaces, Dan and Bethel
- Religious ceremonies: their relationship to religious beliefs and social status: https:/; synagogue practises; Jewish bible: https://en.wikipedia.orgwikiBooks_of_the_Bible
Maps of Early Israel
Outside Influences on Israel
Near East Textbook Tables