Core Topic - Thinking Like an Economist
Week 1 - Economic Concepts
Topic 1 - Economic Concepts.pdf
Lesson 1 - What is Economics.pptx
Week 1 - Data Analysis
Activities - Understanding and Analysing Data.docx
Using and Analysing Data.pptx
Week 2 - Economic Scenarios
Economic Scenarios.pdf
Week 3-5 - Demand and Supply
Demand and Supply.pdf
Week 6-7 - Market Structures
Market Structures.pdf
Week 8 - Game Theory

As a lead in to Game Theory, watch the following videos of the game show 'Golden Balls' and see if you can determine the maths behind it.

Video 1 - https:/

Video 2 - https:/

Video 3 - https:/

Game Theory.pdf
Assessment tasks
Task 1 - Markets in Action