Assessment 2 - The Living Document


Week 1

The first thing to achieve for this assessment is to get to know a bit more about yourself and your abilities. Open the sheet entitled Ideas and Examples in the Part 1 - The Introduction block. Use these dot points to explore the different aspects of your life and capabilities - this is a guide only - you can add in other relevant things too. You can use any suitable format from a scrapbook (on a computer file, of course) to a report as long as you are thorough.

Week 2

Continue and finish the task from last week. Email task to me by 12:00am Friday night

Assesment Sheet and Checklist
Assessment 2 - Living Document.docx
Assessment 2 - Checklist.docx
Part 1 - The Introduction
Ideas and Examples.docx
Questions to ask my Parents.docx
Summary: Who Am I.docx
Part 2 - Evidence
Multiple Intelligences Quiz.pdf
Learning Styles Quiz.pdf
Personality Quiz.pdf
Summary: What Have I Learned About Myself.docx
Part 3 - Definition and Exploration of the 7 Capabilities

Information Sheets and Activities

7 Capabilities Information Sheet.docx
Critical and Creative Thinking Information Sheet.docx
Ethical Understanding Information Sheet.pdf
Intercultural Understanding Information Sheet.docx
Literacy and Numeracy Information Sheet.pdf
ICT Skills Information Sheet.docx
Personal and Social Capability Information Sheet.docx
Creative Thinking Activity - assessment.docx
Critical Thinking Activities - assessment.docx
Ethical Understanding Activity - assessment.docx
Intercultural Understanding Activity -assessment.docx
Literacy, Numeracy and ICT Activities - assessment.docx
Personal and Social Capability Activity - assessment.docx
Summary: The Seven Capabilities Activity - assessment.docx
Part 4 - The Capabililites: Me and My Goals
The Capabilities My Goals and Me - assessment.docx