Proofreading Assignment
Reading Skills Practise
Learning Intentions
  • To gain a better appreciation of what is expected in proofreading your own and others’ work
  • To understand the elements that lead to high readability and impact on the audience in a text


Reading Skills Practise
The Dragon Rock.docx
Proofreading Assignment Sheet
Proofreading For Effect Assignment.docx
Success Rubric - Proofreading for Effect.docx
NAPLAN Skills Explanations and Sample Texts
NAPLAN Examples.docx
NAPLAN Answers.docx
Tone and Voice = Style - for Audience.docx
Punctuation Practise Exercises
Apostrophes Exercise.docx
Apostrophe Test.docx
Comma Practise sentences.docx
Comma Practise paragraphs.docx
Comma Test.docx
Direct Speech.docx
Semicolons and Colons.doc
Paragraph to proofread.docx
Grammar Practise
Grammar Exercises 1-3.pdf
Proofreading Checklist
Proofreading Checklist.docx
Proofreading Reflection
Proofreading Reflection.docx