To Kill A Mockingbird
Learning Intentions

To appreciate the themes/ideas of TKAM

To understand the language and form features of the novel and how they can deepen our understanding of the themes/ideas

To understand context, audience and purpose and how they might deepen our understanding of the themes/ideas

To understand the connections of context, audience and purpose with language and form

The 7 Perspectives or Lenses
Assignment Sheet and PS Sheet
Year 11 To Kill A Mockingbird Assignment.docx
TKAM Performance Standards.docx
Student Notes and Reading Questions
Year 11 To Kill A Mockingbird Student Notes.doc
To Kill A Mockingbird Reading Questions.docx
TKAM Comprehension
TKAM Comprehesion.docx
Class Discussions
Discussion 1 on TKAM.docx
Discussion 2 on TKAM.docx
Discussion 3 on TKAM.docx
Discussion 4 on TKAM.docx
Discussion 5 on TKAM.docx
Discussion 6 on TKAM.docx
Tone and Mood
Theme and Motif
Sparknotes Video
Historical Context
Mrs Brown's Wisdom
Crash Course Part 1
Crash Course Part 2